
Cycling for Fun? What a Concept.

I’m always conflicted when people exclaim that bike commuting makes them “feel like a kid” again. If there’s a feeling of joy that people get when they bike to work, and if that feeling motivates people to keep doing it, I ought to be all for it. Right? But I don’t ever feel this feeling….

My First Tucson Commute

My First Two Tucson Commutes

Campfire Cycling moved to Tucson, Arizona over the weekend. While my co-workers moved five big truckloads of inventory and office equipment, I was entrusted with delivering our rotted and weathered picnic table. Tucson Commute  1 I commuted by truck with this precious cargo more than 250 miles in our company’s gutless Mazda, and brought them both…

Rick's Ortlieb-Assisted Epic Tour

Rick, of feather plumage fame, has updated photos of his journey bike touring (a portion of) “America the Beautiful.” Cut it down to 9000 miles, the track from April to November was (roughly): Portland, Oregon – Death Valley – Mount Rushmore – Central Texas – St. Augustine, Florida – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – New Orleans. My…

Cyclist Cyber Monday is Here

This is our newsletter for the month.If you’d like to get this delivered to your inbox, subscribe here. For the cyclist — and the future cyclists in your life, we have a whole mess of Cyber Monday specials. Want something in a smallish box that you can fit under a tree? How about this: Garmin…

10% off Ortlieb, Tubus, and Racktime. Honestly. Seriously.

This is our newsletter for the month.If you’d like to get this delivered to you inbox, subscribe here. Honestly? Ortlieb. When customers call us and want an honest, expert opinion about bike bags, what do we recommend the most often? From the bottom of our hearts? Ortlieb.For shopping, touring, commuting — carrying stuff — Ortlieb…

Salmoning the Sidewalk: It's The Law

Sidewalk Salmoning: It's The Law

BluesCat is a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, who originally returned to bicycling in 2002 in order to help his son get the Boy Scout Cycling merit badge. His bikes sat idle until the summer of 2008 when gas prices spiked at over $4.00 per gallon. Since then, he has become active cycling, day-touring, commuting by…

Ohm Electric Sport Bicycle in the Spring Snow

Last week I was getting familiar with an Ohm Electric Sport Bicycle. As Ted mentioned over at a part of bike commuting often involves finding efficient short cuts. While a light weight/skinny tire commuter bike may be more efficient on smooth roads, in many areas a more off-road capable commuter will end up getting…

'If you can dress to ski you can dress to be a winter cyclist' (Roundup)

Ask yourself: Can a politician love cycling infrastructure too much? Got your answer? Are you sure? Now watch this: That’s Marty Markowitz, the Borough President of Brooklyn, New York City. [Via Bike Blog NYC] Apparently lots of local politicians showed up to associate themselves with the “new” multi-use tunnel just opened in Sonoma County, CA….

Four Myths About Helmets and Safety

Josh King lives in Seattle, where he commutes by bike every day, rain or shine. Earlier this year he switched to full-time single speed commuting; you can read his thoughts on going gearless at If I was surprised about one reaction to my "10 Rules" post, it was the number of comments taking issue…

'Don't Be a Jerk'

Is all hell breaking loose in New York City? If it were, would anyone notice? A few days ago, I linked to a Fox News article which ridiculously framed New York City’s efforts to increase bike commuting as a “war on cars.” (And there I go repeating that nonsense again.) Forgive me, but I’m now…

'Some might say there is a war on cars…'

Here’s a de-facto case study illustrating the UK side of Stacey Moses’ post, Bicycle Commuting Incentives: US v UK: Cadherent Ltd is a UK-based CAD, multi-media, design and drafting company that participates in the country’s Bike2Work program, with 80% of their staff participating. [T]he bike racks outside… are crammed with cycles, courtesy of the Bike2Work…