Commute by Bike

Canada to exchange bikes for old cars

Environment Canada and the Clean Air foundation announced a new National Vehicle Scrappage program today, offering incentives — including bicycles — to people who scrap their 1995 or older motor vehicles. “We know Canadians want to do their part to help clean up the air we breathe and our Government shares their desire,” said Minister…

Bike commuting all around

We’ve all read about how bike commuting is on the rise in areas where bicycling is already popular such as Portland, OR; San Francisco; New York; and Boulder, CO. But what about where you live? Are rising gas prices making bike commuting more acceptable and visible? I did a quick survey of news on bike…

June is Colorado Bike Month

To celebrate bicycling for transportation, fun and health, Colorado has designated each June as Bike Month. At the same time, Colorado joins a nationwide effort to encourage cycling novices and enthusiasts to experience the fun and freedom of safely riding a bike to work, school, errands and recreation While there will be many events around…

Commuter tax benefit

Bicycle Commuter Benefit on House Tax Extender Bill On May 21, 2008, prior to the Memorial Day recess, the House passed H.R. 6049, the “Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act of 2008.” Included in the legislation is a $20 per month transportation fringe benefit for bicycle commuters to cover costs of commuting by bike. The…

Hosting a "Bike To Work Week"

Bike To Work Week is a loosely-organized nationwide event that’s promoted by League of American Bicyclists..  May is always Bike Month, and LAB chooses a week to designate as Bike To Work Week..  The Friday of that week is set aside as Bike To Work Day.  Cities in cooler climates often observe Bike To Work Week later in…

The New Look of Commute by Bike

You may have noticed that we launched a redesign of Commute by Bike today.   As the site continues to grow we’re adapting to meet the needs of our readers.   To do so, we’ve added some new features… Share and Support Do you ever have something you would like to share with othe.   bike commuters? Here’s…

LED Bike Lights

LED lights were once considered basic blinky lights. Simple, light and forever lasting. Up until the past two years lights were considered “to be seen” or “to see” with. “To see” often meant halogen or HID lights with rechargeable batteries. They cost between $150-500 and often were finicky with various battery types. “To be seen”…

Welcome new readers from

If you’re visiting for the first time from the recent article at, welcome. This is a site dedicated to helping the bike commuter get where they’re going safely and efficiently. Here you’ll find tips, product reviews and news on all things related to commuting by bike. Below are a few links that will help…

Canadian auto club offers bike assistance

British Columbia cyclists who suffer flat tires and other mechanical woes can call the British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA) Road Assist program for free roadside assistance during British Columbia’s Bike to Work Week and Bike Month from May 26 to June 30. From May 26 to June 30 – “Bike To Work Week” and “Bike…

Commuting 101: Using Lower Gears

Recent changes to my routes have meant more hilly terrain during my rides. During this time I’ve used gear combinations which I have never used before. I should say that I never dared use before. For some reason, over the last few decades I’ve come to think of using higher gears as the manly choice….

A few observations about Bike to Work Week and casual commuters

Bike to Work Week,, 2008I’m a year-round bike commuter, usually riding four or five days per week, every week of the year. Every week but Bike to Work Week, that is. Year after year something happens, without fail, usually forcing me to drive the whole week, or a good chunk of it. This year, I drove twice. One day it was because of “white out” conditions on the interstate highway I ride into Flag. I didn’t miss a day this winter due to snow. That had to wait until May.

That said, I did get in three days of BTWW this year, and have a few observations to share.

Commute by horse

Jackie Hutton of Pleasanton, Texas south of San Antonio commutes the four miles to work on Tester, her horse. “What’s the good of making a living if you can’t live?” says Jackie. “Do what’s important.” Read and see more KSAT 12 News. The video shows Jackie taking the lane with her horse. Via Tomorrow Morning’s…

New New Hampshire bicycle laws

On May 7, 2008. the New Hampshire General Court (what they call the legislature in The Granite State) passed House Bill 1203, “An Act Relative to Bicycles” which generally improves conditions for cyclists in the state of New Hampshire. The new law will take effect on January 1, 2009. Among the provisions of this new…

Canada bike to work events

Most U.S. cities hold a bike to work event sometime during the National Bike To Work Month in May. Canadian cities tend to schedule Bike To Work events a little bit later, typically the beginning of the June. Here are a few bike to work events in Canadian cities. Toronto Bike to work week May…

Bike Trailer Bazaar

Bike to Work WeekWith National Bike-to-Work-Week kicking off, the Flagstaff Biking Organization kicked things off here with there Bike Bazaar in Downtown Flagstaff. It’s a great event for all the Bike Heads to come out and sell off all the miscellaneous bike parts that have been building up in their garage. We were cleaning house as well.

We used Jeff’s Bikes-At-Work trailer not only to get everything to the Bike Bazaar but also a perfect way to sort and arrange the used stuff we had for sale. With six bins we had the $1, $2, $3, $5, $10 and $15 bins. It made it nice and easy to sell stuff with very little bartering. If something wasn’t moving we just shifted it down to the next cheaper bin. By the end of the day the bins were empty and I had a nice wad of cash in my pocket. Not only is this trailer great for bargain bins it is also an excellent Earth Day Recycling Machine.

We had the bike trailer bin sale up front and on the table in back we had information about all of our trailers at the along with a sample Burley Nomad, BOB Ibex and Xtracycle to catch there attention.

US EPA asks: Why are you or aren't you biking to work?

The United States Environmental Protection Agency has an official blog called “Greenversations.” Earlier this week they asked the question “Why are you or aren’t you biking to work?” To bike or not to bike – that is the question” It’s National Bike Week! Biking is healthy, it prevents air pollution, and it can even save…