
Globe Cycle

File this one under cycling for a cause. James Bowthorpe is riding around the globe to raise money for Parkinson’s research. James is from London and is a volunteer at a Parkinson’s Disease research clinic based at King’s College London in the Institute of Psychiatry. James originally volunteered at the clinic to get experience in…

Community Building

At, we think that the potential for using your bike is quite vast. Of course, you can use a bike for transportation, you can use a bike to make deliveries, you can use a bike to provide a wide variety of services. All of the aforementioned types of uses are relatively straightforward and tangible…

Bike Trailers Pulling Bike Trailers

A customer of ours sent some photos to us of his BOB Trailer pulling his Burley Trailer. This brought to mind other instances of multiple bike trailers that we’ve encountered. It also seemed like an interesting blog post to put up when we have both BOB Trailers and Burley Trailers on sale. Our Burley Trailer…

Cycling Services

The next major category of utility cycling that we would like to examine is cycling services. In our first post, we identified a number of different services that can easily be done via bicycle. Among them: Retail and Commercial Services Emergency and Patrol Services Land Services For the time being, we have separated out the…

Delivery – And It's By Bike!

In our first post, we identified the category of delivery as a major component of utility cycling. In terms of bicycle deliveries, these subcategories initially came to our attention: Couriers/ Messengers: Many cycling enthusiasts are somewhat enthralled with the elusive bicycle messenger, who zips through traffic bearing important documents, photos, objects, and anything else that…

Final Burley Trailers sale for 2009 has just started a Burley Trailer sale. Get setup with a Burley Child Trailer, Burley Cargo Trailer or a Burley Pet Trailer. Call us Bike Trailer Shop at 1-800-717-2596 or email if you have any questions. Sale runs thru August 19th.

The Logistics of Bicycle Commuting

The next piece of the bicycle commuting puzzle is logistical. How are you going to get to where ever it is you plan to go? What will you do with your bike when you get there? These questions are liable to arise when you start to seriously consider the possibility of bicycle commuting. But do…