
My Feminine Side is Feeling Patronized

My Feminine Side is Feeling Patronized

I’m heading to Interbike 2012. Some of the preliminaries have already begun, such as the Outdoor Demo. I’ve never been to that, but apparently it’s held outdoors and you get to ride a bunch of different bikes. This being my third time to the annual trade show for the American Cycling Industry, I’m getting my…

Jay's Boat Mast Bike Trailer Build

How do you get a 24 foot mast and boom to its 20 foot sailboat if the boat is 30 miles away? Sound like one of those algebra questions from high school? Jay’s got the answer and even used ratios to explain his decisions. He built a trailer, attached it to his bike, and made…

Ten Ways to Promote the Wandertec Tuba Bike Trailer

We have mere days to go to fully fund the Kickstarter Project for the Wandertec Tuba Bike Trailer.Currently we have just over one-third of the $25,000 we need to raise.If you’ve already pledged, the only way to get your rewards will be if the project is fully funded.To see these trailers on the streets, on…

"The Way I Roll" Chris Van Dine Video

"The Way I Roll" Chris Van Dine Video

Peter Sutherland is a NYC-based filmmaker, photographer and artist who has made a series of documentary films about passionate cyclists. “Sutherland,” says the press release, “has followed athletes, bike makers and enthusiasts on their home ground, biking and talking about their strong passion for the bike culture.” The series is called “The Way I Roll,”…

Chariot Child Bike Trailers: Save up to 35%

This is our newsletter for the month.If you’d like to get this delivered to you inbox, subscribe here. Save up to 35% on Chariot Child Carriers Our huge ongoing sale on Chariot Child Carriers just got… huger.It’s not just the 2011 models.Now the 2012 carriers and all Chariot accessories are getting in on the act…

Bikes Belong… In the House

Bikes Belong… In the House

BluesCat is a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, who originally returned to bicycling in 2002 in order to help his son get the Boy Scout Cycling merit badge. His bikes sat idle until the summer of 2008 when gas prices spiked at over $4.00 per gallon. Since then, he has become active cycling, day-touring, commuting by…

Post Heatwave Sale on Ortlieb, Tubus & Racktime

This is our newsletter for the month.If you’d like to get this delivered to you inbox, subscribe here. Good Riddance, Heatwave! Did the heatwave of June and July toast your summer cycling plans? It’s over now, and there’s still plenty of summer left. And to help you salvage your summer riding and touring plans, all…

Lucky Dan's Hawaiian Bike Tour

Dan kicked off his summer with a 6-week bike tour on Kauai – cycling from one end of the island to the other. I had everything I needed on my Ibex trailer (boogie board, fins, tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad…etc.) and it performed great over everything and everywhere I went. I got compliments on it…