
A Fruitful BONGO Trailer Load

My wife and I maxed out our Wandertec BONGO Trailer a few weeks ago at Sam’s Club. Our supplies fit so perfectly into the Rubbermaid on the BONGO that it seemed a photo was needed to show the perfect packing of a months worth of supplies.

Commute by Tyke: Child Trailers

Bike commuting is fine for you, but I have kids who I need to take to daycare every morning. Oh Mama, are we ready with a comeback to that one. Child bike trailers aren’t just for towing your spawn to the playground on weekends. Many owners of child trailers use them daily as parents drop…

The Bike Friday Trailer

I did my monthly paper roll pickup at the Daily Sun, this time with the Bike Friday I am testing for Commute By Bike. It was a good opportunity to test out the capabilities of the suitcase/bike trailer that is available for traveling with the Bike Friday. Not only does the Bike Friday fit into…

Tandem Wheelie and Trailer Train

I love wheelies. I’m not so good at them anymore, but I’m a sucker for them.Last night, I had a dream that I was doing a wheelie on an adult tricycle. Please leave your psychoanalytical theories in the comments.Brown Cycles of Grand Junction Colorado makes KidzTandems, which are tandem bikes with the stoker position in…

Moving a Kentucky Home on Bike Trailers

“Moving day” is perhaps one of the most stress inducing phrases a person can hear in their adult life. I should know, I’ve had to slog my junk across my hometown about five time in the last four years. But bike-enthusiasts, we’ve got great news! Andy Dyson managed to move the contents of his Louisville home about 1.4 miles away, all on pedal-power!

Australian Family's Crazy Taxi Trailer

“The area (Queensland) is known as the dry tropics. The arrangement that you see was used for grocery shopping when I lived back in place called Wodonga in the north eastern part of Victoria. Now I have a kiddie Chariot trailer taken the place of the BOB as we have an increased family size and the grocery bill that goes with it.”

Carrying Your Stuff: Bicycle Cargo Trailers

Last April, we covered the most common methods for transporting goods on a bicycle in Stacey Moses’s article Carrying Your Stuff: Bicycle Bags and Racks. Now it is time to turn our utility cycling obsessed brains in the direction of a less frequently used method for transporting goods by bicycle, bicycle cargo trailers. Though used…

Burley Trailer Blowout Sale

I’m not sure if ‘blowout’ is the correct term, but I thought it sounded exciting to have a ‘blowout’ sale on my favorite bike trailers by Burley. With the holidays in full swing, it’s nice to have 10% off that trailer you’ve had your eye on, but didn’t want to blow too much dough on….