
Where are the Bicycle Startup Successes?

Its 2014 and Tech Startup Culture/Silicone Valley/Ambitious Teenagers have been  going strong with producing great consumer focused companies for over 10 years now.   So what about bikes? When I look up bicycling Startups at Angel List, its not that they are non-existant.  There are some interesting and meaningful efforts being made. But when I see…

The Five Commandments of J.O.Y.B.A.G.®

I have traveled into the Safeway parking lots, among the glass filled shoulders, through the misery of forgetting my spare tube. I have lugged grocery bags on my handlebars and arrived to gatherings late and sweaty. I have cursed and sworn with befuddlement at being ill-prepared to make my way through the world on my…

J.O.Y.B.A.G.® Revival

3 Years ago today, we launched what I can audaciously describe as’s version of a GoogleX moonshot.  The project was christened J.O.Y.B.A.G.® (That’s, Jump On Your Bike And Go).  Our mission was to figure out what it would take for a bicycle to be as convenient and user friendly as a car. Given that…

Electric Bike Commute Video

It’s more and more common to see electric bikes on the roads these days. I must admit, I sometimes get pangs of purist thought when it comes to electric bikes. I mean, I can pedal, so why would I cheat? But honestly, electric bikes are the way to go in so many cases. And an…

Why yes, I am wearing my bicycle pants to the office…and hiking…and camping…A review of Bluff Works adventure-ready pants

You know those guys who go a year without breaking a sweat? Youve seen them walking, bellies a swingin, from one boring meeting to the next in some sprawling city where people get lost in thoughts about whether there is more to life than this. Well, unfortunately, you can do that in these pants if…

Maximum Impact Bicycle Advocacy

The development of serious and dedicated bicycle infrastructure is a requirement for any car centric culture, such as the US, to be able to get people utilizing bicycles for transportation in any serious way. The Netherlands and Denmark are the best examples of this. As a US based bicycle advocate, this is a depressing reality. …

60 Minutes

I’m sure that our loyal readers have noticed some decline in the regularity of our posting here at after the departure of Ted Johnson, our ponderous and insightful editor and marketing expert here at  In his wake we’ve been working to come up with a new strategy for maintaining and growing this blog. …

Cyclovia Tucson Spring 2014

Our family has just celebrated one year living in Tucson, Arizona.   There are a lot of great things about Tucson, but as a cycling family, one of the things we have enjoyed most is the nearly year-round cycling season.   Granted, our first summer was a bit of a rough adjustment (toasted bums on blazing hot…

30 Days of Biking

Spring has officially arrived, though many of you may not exactly feel too springy yet, since the weather has continued to be pretty harsh throughout most of the country. Although here in Arizona, we’ve been having one of the warmest, driest winters on record, so we’ve been watching the rest of the country shiver while…

Stay Hydrated

Our friend Robert reminds us that hydration is the key to a good ride. I’m sure whatever he’s carrying in those pony kegs are quenching some thirsty riders. Another great use of the Xtracycle and Wandertec Bongo trailer. Ride on…