
Carrying Your Stuff: Bicycle Cargo Trailers

Last April, we covered the most common methods for transporting goods on a bicycle in Stacey Moses’s article Carrying Your Stuff: Bicycle Bags and Racks. Now it is time to turn our utility cycling obsessed brains in the direction of a less frequently used method for transporting goods by bicycle, bicycle cargo trailers. Though used…

Emergency & Patrol Services by Bike

One of our goals for the year 2011 is to complete our “dictionary” of Utility Cycling. In our 2010 Utility Cycling Year in Review, I listed out all of the categories and subcategories of utility cycling that we have conceptualized over the last year and a half. While we have written on many of the…

2010 Utility Cycling Year in Review

On December 31, 2009, we published the first ever Utility Cycling Year in Review. At the time, Utility Cycling was actually only one 1/2 year old, but we had enough material to warrant a review nonetheless. Now, another year has passed, and Utility Cycling is continuing to grow and evolve, so we wanted to step…

Commute by Bike's Top 10 from 2010

2010 was a big year for Commute by Bike. I thought we’d wrap up with a list of the top posts from the year. Coming up with the top ten wasn’t easy to do. Sure, we know how many people have visited each page, but posts from early in the year have had a head…

"The Great Debate" Goes Mainstream?

It’s a good thing that more stakeholders are now being drawn into the discussion, right? Or does it carry the risk that the media’s reductive tendencies will paint the various sides of the debate into grotesque caricatures, such as equating cycling infrastructure to a “war on cars?”

Burley Trailer Blowout Sale

I’m not sure if ‘blowout’ is the correct term, but I thought it sounded exciting to have a ‘blowout’ sale on my favorite bike trailers by Burley. With the holidays in full swing, it’s nice to have 10% off that trailer you’ve had your eye on, but didn’t want to blow too much dough on….

'Don't Be a Jerk'

Is all hell breaking loose in New York City? If it were, would anyone notice? A few days ago, I linked to a Fox News article which ridiculously framed New York City’s efforts to increase bike commuting as a “war on cars.” (And there I go repeating that nonsense again.) Forgive me, but I’m now…

'Every person not confined inside metal makes for a better community'

On the heels of Josh King’s gear recommendations for Urban Bad Weather Commuting, I found more recommendations for winter cycling equipment and a review of the best bicycle tires for wet or snowy conditions–both on Yahoo! Sports, of all places. (I confess, Yahoo!, I underestimated you.) The California Environmental Protection Agency is conducting a four-week…

State of the Hub: 2010 Group Photo!

It’s been 3 long, busy weeks since the last State of the Hub, so I’ve got a few things to catch up on. At the same time, we’re quite busy with getting ready for the Christmas push as well as some other projects, so from that perspective, I’ll be keeping it brief. Our main push…

Drawing Conclusions from Narrow Cycling Data Sets

It is very encouraging that more and more data is being collected concerning both the safety of cyclists and the overall adoption of cycling.   Most recently, Oregon Health Sciences University released their study of bicycle commuters in Portland.   While offering some specific and valuable insights about Portland, this type of study only offers limited value…

Chrome Backbone Backpack ' Zinger & Quick Review

Today’s Zinger, running through the next week, is the Chrome Backbone Cycling Backpack. We’ve marked it down from $179 to $165 while we feature it over the next week. This is a great full size backpack for taking on life’s challenges on the go. While this bag was designed with the demands of cycling at…

10 Rules For Urban Commuting

Josh King lives in Seattle, where he commutes by bike every day, rain or shine. Earlier this year he switched to full-time single speed commuting; you can read his thoughts on going gearless at My commute through Seattle’s Capitol Hill and into the heart of downtown takes me through a maze of cars, pedestrians,…