The Archives

Velo Orange Zeppelin Fenders : On Review

There’s an assortment of Velo Orange products on review and the first one are very cool Zeppelin 52mm fenders.   These aluminum fenders are full coverage with a beautiful matte finish.   I actually prefer this matte finish over the high polish of other metal fenders.   My worry of scuffs and dings are very low due to…

Hey Ma, I won a Scholarship!

A few weeks ago I submitted my application to the League of American Bicyclist for a $1,000 scholarship to a first time attendee of the National Bike Summit. The scholarship will be a reimbursement for travel, housing and sign up cost to get to and attend the summit. I had submitted the application under the…

Bimodal Commuting

Referencing a commuting woe article from a month ago about how I simply could not figure a safe way to commute my new route to work. Yes. I’ve read all the comments. I would say I have more nerve than most folks when it comes to riding on the side of busy roads and there…

BrightBike : A Reflective Bike

Beacon Graphics and Eye Beam teamed up with some reflective 3M tape and came up with a pretty cool bike decal set called BrightBike.   With two different sets available, either Pre-cut or Uncut it will give the do-it-yourselfer a pretty unique and safe bike. 3M tape comes in various colors so you could match your…

Portland Design Works and Their Commuter Gear

Editor’s Note: This is a press release concerning a new accessory line from some former Planet Bike employees. Former Planet Bike Employees launch Portland Design Works Portland, OR- January 19, 2009- Industry veterans Erik Olson and Dan Powell have launched Portland Design Works (PDW), a new brand of urban bicycle accessories with a focus on…

Step-by-step – Extrawheel Voyager

Welcome to the step-by-step instructional blog for the Extrawheel Voyager. The Voyager is the second single wheeled trailer by Extrawheel, the classic version was a slightly heavier model that used large dry bags and cargo nets to hold your items to the trailer, both models use the same carrying configuration by holding the weight of…

Bonk Town – Another Deal Saver

If you are a fan of,, or you will enjoy the latest “buy it when its hot” deal banger. The name of it is BonkTown, I’m assuming from the bonking you can get on mile 65 of a crucial road ride.   Since being introduced in the past week they’ve had some pretty…

Welcome to the Campfire Cycling….

The Campfire Cycling is our website that will bring together many of the activities that are going on in our growing number of websites. At the moment our sites Bike Trailer Shop and Bike Bag Shop are open for business and Bike Kid Shop is slated for launch in the next few months. The blog…

Madison is the Destination for 2016 Olympics Cycling Venue

Is Madison, Wisconsin the new Portland, Oregon? Many individuals in the cycling community, and even the bypassing customers have mentioned Madison lately when they are talking about a strong cycling atmosphere.   Bike paths, yearly commuters, bike lanes, & Trek Bikes headquarters 30 minutes away.   I would say it has a strong cycling atmosphere! Now in…

Get paid to commute by bike

While many of us are excited at the possible $20 U.S. Federal tax benefit (should they ever materialize at your employer), some communities already offer $40 and more per month in cash for those who commute by bike. This is Anna in Birmingham, Alabama, who writes for the Bike Skirt Blog. Anna is eligible for…

Help Bike in the New President

It seems like there is a common thread with the new President, Obama, and cycling. First we had spoke cards for people to voice their opinions during the campaign. A guy riding across the country, from Los Angeles to Washington D.C. More info… 1,100 people have RSVP’d for bike valet for the Inauguration. More info……

Bike Miami Days

Down in Floriday there is a city trying the become bike friendly, that city is Miami..   The city is taking many steps to this bike friendly city.   Bike lanes, required bike racks and Bike Miami Days. Bike Miami Days will be on one Sunday per month : January 18, February 8, March 8, April 26,…

Beating the effects of cold weather

Whether you’re hitting the slopes, making snowmen with the kids or riding a bicycle in sub-freezing temperatures, those who subject themselves to harsh winter conditions will eventually start to feel its wrath. Some of this stuff might seem girly, but all who spend time outdoors in the winter can benefit from these simple tips. As…

Business Troubleshooting Issue #1

I’ve decided to start keeping a journal of all of the various business crisis that we generally have to deal with on a somewhat regular basis here at Wandertec, Inc. My primary objective is to give myself a record to refer back to when a similar problem occurs. But I figure that my trials and…

Levels of Government Using Bike Sharing

It seems like there are going to be more officials using bicycles across our country in their line of work. The government has recognized across the board that bicycles take up less space, give much needed exercise and are easy to use on many forms of transportation. First there is Wheels4Wellness, which is a Federal…

How do you motivate yourself to ride?

Sean asks an excellent question: How do we keep ourselves motivated when it’s cold and wet outside and the days are short? What do you do to stay motivated to cycle to and from work, day in and day out? Sioux gave her suggestion: she thinks of every ride as an adventure. So how about…

Wall Street Journal: Get rid of your car

It’s a strange new world indeed when the Wall Street Journal publishes an article showing how much of a money pit the family car is. If you really want to see where your money is going, take a closer look at your car. Foreign or domestic, it doesn’t matter. It’s a cash guzzler, and it…

Update on Commuter Station

My new shop has been open about 2 months now and we are slowly working out the commuter station and various areas of the shop to promote using your bicycle for transportation, utility or recreation. The first thing we did when laying out the shops floor plan was make half of the shop for recreation….

Happy 2009!

The roller coaster of 2008 has come to a close. With the rocky last few months I have some trepidations about 2009, however the overall trend was for rapid growth in bike commuting and bike cargo and I am very optimistic for rolling our momentum into a strong year ahead. To start out the year…

What Prompted you to Commute by Bike?

While reading Bowling Alone : The Collapse and Revival of American Community, by Robert D. Putnam, I came across a statement about people dependent upon television for their primary form of entertainment: “People who are social isolates to begin with gravitate toward the tube as the line of leisurely least resistance.” I’m not sure why,…

Bontrager Race Lite

Off with the old and in with the new was the theme of this past week leading in to New Years.   One of the things that came “off” was my cyclo cross knobby tires left from cross season..   I have been commuting on until they were completely worn out and finally last week the knobs…

Reader's Pick: Favorites of 2008

Tell us your favorite thing about 2008. This is your platform now. Maybe it was your favorite post on CBB, your favorite new product from Interbike, or your most memorable bicycle commuting moment from the past year. Let us know in the comments!