If you aren’t a regular at Utility Cycling, you’ve been missing some fantastic commuter-specific video posts lately. Without further ado, we give you a sampling of the best recent “commute by bike” videos, thanks to Utility Cycling and the original producers of the videos. And if you like this collection, there is plenty more for your viewing pleasure at UtilityCycling.org.
Choosing a Commuter Bike
URBAN BIKING: Tips for Buying an Urban Bike from Laura J. Lukitsch on Vimeo.
Bike Minded
You just can’t get enough from Dominic Latham-Koenig on Vimeo.
Two Mornings
Two Mornings from Sierra Club National on Vimeo.
Gabri Christa’s NYC Biking Story
My NYC Biking Story: Gabri Christa from Streetfilms on Vimeo.