We have some new faces here at the Campfire Cycling, maybe they’re not new in a time on the earth sense, well except one, but there new to us. The great thing about a growing business is the amazing new people that we get to bring on board that continue to enhancing our little shop.

Being that most of what we do is conducted within the inter-webz we needed to bring in a programing power house to keep all of our ducks in a row. Lucky such a power house does exist in Flagstaff and his name is Frank. If a computer was a a small Germanic village then Frank is an earth shaking Roman army come to conquer and enslave. Get the point, he gets things done, and he’s a really likable nice guy, so that helps.
We have continued to develop our own in house brand of bike trailers and bike trailer accessories. I had to move over to shipping to pick up some slack which opened a position to bring in a new manufacturing specialist. Its hard to find someone who is versed in bicycle mechanics, manufacturing techniques and who is cool. Many fill two out of the three but here at the Campfire Cycling we settle for nothing but the best, and we found it in Casey. Casey is like a reincarnated Sheldon Brown, and Bob Villa combined into one super being. If it can be thought up Casey can make it.
We would also like to welcome back Megan, there was getting to be a little too much man around the Campfire Cycling lately, so her return has brought balance to the force. This time Megan has brought a little something extra with her, Neva, some baby she found on the street. No that’s not true, it really is her baby, and a super cute baby at that. We were all a little nervous about a baby at work especially Robin, because he has babyphobia, but Neva has warmed our harts over and probably gets more done around here then Robin does.
All of us and by us I mean Josh, Robin and I, are glad to have the new faces in the shop and the return of Megan. This much awesome can hardly be contained in one building. I think it is going to be a great year for the Campfire Cycling aka. Bike Trailer Shop, Bike Bag Shop and Bike Kid Shop.