SF Bay Area firm pays 58.5 cents per mile for employees who bike for their jobs.
Dutch Bike Company Seattle to open a store in Chicago next month. They’ll sell Bakfiets, Velobris, Retrovelo, WorkCycle and other European utility bikes in the Windy City. Check out this WorkCycles FR8 bicycle:

Jon Stewart says, “You know what Washington needs? More vigilante bicyclists.” (regarding the Robert Novak hit and run case)
Economist Magazine talks about cycling. Wow.
Trek was shooting some video of a prototype Gary Fisher utility bike this afternoon at the neighborhood market just down the street from us. She described it as being about the same size as the Big Dummy, but with some kind of integrated passenger seat in the stoker position, a short steel platform, and some “really cool” side bags with zippered flaps. Fat tires, disk brakes and wide upright bars.
American taxpayers paid $3.4 billion last year to operate the Federal Government’s 642,233 motor vehicles.
Transportation Secretary Mary Peters has two drivers. Their salaries totaled more than $128,000 last year. The driver for Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt earns about $90,000 a year.
Other links:
- Cities for Mobility Magazine
- 48 page government report on “Getting Australia Moving” (PDF) covers “barriers, facilitators and interventions to get more Australians physically active through cycling.”
- North American Handmade Bicycle show new and improved website.