Kipkirui Ng’etich’s Tidbit Archives

Kipkirui is our first remote employee, based out of Kenya.  Kip (as we call him) does copywriting for our products, product categories and bikepacking guides. He also uploads and organizes new products into our system.  Kip has been getting increasingly into more epic cycling over the last five years, enjoying long road and gravel cycling near his home in the outskirts of Nairobi.  We’ve been excited to work with Kip as he prepares to give bikepacking a try soon. 

Beyond cycling, Kip is a lawyer who enjoys doing pro bono work in his community.  Kip is a gamer, a chess player and practices Jui-Jitsu.  We’re grateful to have Kip around sharing his perspective, charm, good humor and dedication to success.

New Road Bike Day!!! – July. 19, 2024

This week, I sealed a great deal on a used 2018 Trek Defy road bike from my jiu-jitsu pal, James. Adding this to the lineup feels like the final piece of the puzzle in fulfilling my dream of a complete bike collection. With a Salsa Timberjack SLX mountain bike arriving any day now from Campfire, plus my trusty Boardman CX for gravel, and now this awesome road bike, I’ve got all terrains covered. Now, the real puzzle is figuring out how to stash all these bikes without driving my super organized girlfriend up the wall.  I might need to get crafty with some DIY bike racks or maybe it’s time to win her over to the beauty of a well-organized bike display. Reflecting on this, I’m just really thankful. It wasn’t so long ago that buying any decent bike seemed out of reach, and now here I am, strategizing bike storage solutions!

Roadside Feasts – July. 12, 2024

A few years back, I took in Rambo, a charming stray causing a stir at a local restaurant where he would adorably hustle for food from customers by rubbing against your feet till you dropped him scraps. Nearly two years later, Rambo’s life has taken quite a turn. Originally, I had envisioned turning him into a TikTok cycling sensation and helping him overcome his fear of cockroaches. However, Rambo chose a different path. Now a seasoned nomad, he’s had his share of adventures, from dog chases and fights, to romances with three neighborhood cats. Mostly an outdoor cat now, Rambo has become a local celebrity but still makes sure to come home every couple of days. True to his name, Rambo lives a life of independence and adventure.

Roadside Feasts – July. 5, 2024

As things ease up in Kenya, I managed to head out on a day-long bike ride with some old friends, and it was everything I needed. We spent the day pedaling through scenic routes, catching up, and sharing plenty of laughs. It was not just a training session for my upcoming bikepacking trip but also a great way to reconnect and make memories.

We ended our ride with some goat meat, laid out on a big plate, just perfect for refueling after all those miles. It’s moments like these—good food, great friends, and the open road—that make it all worthwhile. Here’s to more rides and more roadside feasts!

Unrest in Kenya – June. 28, 2024

Here’s a photo of my friend Bella in Nairobi, standing tall and waving the Kenyan flag for women’s rights and social justice. This week, my bike has been resting as the streets filled with voices demanding change—a testament to the strength and resilience of the people here.

Through the clamor and chaos, it’s the powerful chorus of voices belonging to young Kenyans like Bella that shines a hopeful light on tomorrow. As things start to settle down, I’m eager to hop back on my bike and bring you more bikepacking tales from a rejuvenated Kenya!

Ominous Signs – June. 21, 2024

Every cyclist has that one part of their route that makes them a bit nervous. For me, it’s passing by a stark yellow sign boldly declaring “Danger: Black Spot,” with a skull and crossbones. This one’s right before a quiet, pretty part of the road, surrounded by lots of trees. It always made me pedal through there extra careful, almost holding my breath.

But that sign always seemed a bit much to me. Why the scary skull? It felt like it was saying, “Watch out, or else!” Every time I passed it, I couldn’t help but feel a bit on edge.
So, on my last ride, I decided to stop there for a bit and really look at it. Turns out, the sign is there for a good reason. Right after it, the road takes a really sharp turn that you can’t see coming. If you were going fast, it could definitely catch you off guard.

Stopping there helped me see things differently. The sign wasn’t trying to scare anyone; it was just trying to keep us safe, letting us know to slow down before hitting that sneaky turn.
Now, when I see that sign, I don’t get that nervous feeling anymore. Instead, I’m thankful it’s there. It reminds me to slow down and stay safe, so I can enjoy my ride without any trouble. It’s a good reminder that sometimes, things that seem scary are just there to help us.

Bike mechanics are truly special – June. 14, 2024

These wizards behind the wrenches keep our bikes rolling smoothly, fixing everything from minor tweaks to major overhauls. In Tucson, you’ve got Toby, Ellie, and Jake, known for their incredible skills and dedication. 

Over here, we have Tunchi. Named after his favorite hip-hop artist, Lil Wayne. Tunchi works at a used bike shop and also runs a mobile bike repair business. His workshop might be small, but the service he provides is huge. Recently, I took my Trek road bike to him for a brake caliper replacement. As always, he went above and beyond, making sure everything was perfect.

Every time I come back with my bike beat up from some crazy adventure, Tunchi somehow makes it look and ride like new again. His dedication and passion for bikes are truly amazing. From minor adjustments to major repairs, Tunchi’s been my go-to guy, and I couldn’t trust anyone else with my bikes.

So here’s to the amazing bike mechanics out there in Arizona and our very own Tunchi. They keep us rolling, adventuring, and loving the bike life.

Riding Weather – June. 7, 2024

As the weather continues to open up in Kenya, I have been going on more rides, this week i enjoyed a nice urban ride, enjoying the paved tarmac in my little town. Man, I had missed the sunshine and dry roads!

Bar Tape Success! – May. 31, 2024

Just wrapped up a little DIY project on my bike—new bar tape! I was pretty nervous starting out, especially after I had to peel it all off and start over when the first attempt went a bit… sideways but after some perseverance, I finally got it right. It’s not a name brand, but it feels great and I think it looks sharp.

Cycling Sunsets – May. 24, 2024

There’s nothing quite like catching a sunset on a bike ride and lately I have been catching quite a few. The sky turns into a painting, and for a moment, you feel like you’re in a postcard. But as soon as that sun dips below the horizon, it’s game on. Suddenly, you’re Lance Armstrong trying to beat the darkness, because honestly, night cycling turns every shadow into a potential coyote that is out to get me.

Rainy Cycling Week in Kenya – May. 17, 2024

Kenyan weather is quite a challenge for cyclists right now. The rains are relentless, and there’s a “stay home and go nowhere” chill in the air. But even with this dreary forecast, many of us are still hitting the roads, bundled up in generous layers and doing what we love. There’s something about pushing through the elements, feeling the wind on your face and the rain on your back, that makes you celebrate the little victories of a ride well done in tough conditions.

At times like these, I find myself dreaming of the warm Tucson climate blowing my way. The thought of sunny skies and dry trails is incredibly appealing, but there’s also a unique beauty in braving the Kenyan weather. It makes you resilient, and there’s a certain pride in not letting the weather stop us from doing what we love. 

Life of a Road Cleat – May. 10, 2024

I’ve always had a thing for road cleats—love how they feel when I’m zipping along on the bike, super smooth and connected. They’re great when you’re on the bike, but the minute you start walking with them on, they wear down so fast, it’s almost like they’re punishing you for taking a break. Here’s to embracing every part of the ride, even the wear and tear!

Triple Puncture! – May. 3, 2024

Last week’s group ride turned into an unexpected adventure as the shadows grew longer. One of us, Tony, encountered a streak of bad luck with his tires, leading to not one, but three puncture stops. Initially, these interruptions felt inconvenient, but in retrospect, they offered us some much-needed breaks on what was a particularly challenging ride.
We gathered around Tony’s bike, headlights bobbing in the dim light. It’s in these moments, under the fading light, that the spirit of camaraderie truly shines. We were fortunate to have an expert among us, quick with a tire patch and ready with a pump, otherwise we may have had to hail a cab!

Hardtail Shopping – Apr. 26, 2024

I am in the market for a hardtail and came across this gorgeous 29er Trek Roscoe 7 2022 at a local used bikeshop that comes with 140mm air suspension and 12 speed Deore groupset. I’m planning on checking it out, going on a test ride and if I like it, maybe adding it to my growing collection of bikes. Wish me luck!

First Bike – Apr. 19, 2024

My first decent bike was a used 2015 DiamondBack Contra 3.0. In Kenya, second-hand bike shops serve as the heart of the cycling community, where many, like myself, take their first step into this world. Although my DiamondBack bore the marks of pre-love and came with a price tag that made me gulp – it was worth every shilling. It was atleast one size too small, requiring the seatpost to stretch sky-high but it still felt premium with a 3*8 drivetrain and smooth handling that gave me that taste of what a genuine cycling experience should feel like.
Every time I rode it, i would wonder about its past life across the seas and the stories it could tell. I often mused over the previous owners and if they had any inkling that their once-cherished bike was now cruising Kenyan terrain, still cherished, still turning heads. This bike was my clunky companion on many adventures, and my introduction to a community I now hold dear.

Desert Riding – Apr. 12, 2024

Got out on a ride this past week and it got me thinking, hitting the trails around Mwingi, is a bit like what I imagine biking through the outskirts of Tucson would be. Out here, it’s not just about the bike and the road; it’s about the whole deal – the heat, the hills, and the kind of quiet that makes your thoughts louder. The hills aren’t just bumps on the landscape; they’re these epic ups and downs that make your legs scream but also make you feel like you’ve earned every view. And man, those views are something else, kind of like nature’s own version of high-def.

Now, about those cacti – we don’t have them here, but we’ve got our own version of tough, prickly vegetation. Dodging them becomes second nature after a while, sort of like an obstacle course set up by Mother Nature. And the critters? It’s like a live-action documentary out here. You’ve got everything from lizards that look like they’ve got somewhere important to be, to insects that haven’t read the memo about personal space. Riding through sandy patches is a workout and a half, but it’s also kind of cool. It’s like the desert saying, “Let’s see what you’ve got”

Mirinda! – Apr. 5, 2024

Mirinda, the soda I am always sipping on when out on those harrowingly long bike rides, is Africa’s version of a Pepsi. It’s fascinating to know that multinational brands like PepsiCo tweak their formulas to match regional tastes—like how I’ve heard that Coca-Cola has a unique flavor profile in Mexico compared to its American counterpart.

For anyone with wanderlust who finds themselves pedaling through Kenya, do me a solid and pack a can of Pepsi. I’m itching to see how it stacks up against my go-to Mirinda. Will it be the same taste of victory after a long ride, or a whole new twist? Hopefully we can find out together someday!

African Steel – Mar. 29, 2024

In Africa, the Roadster bicycle, nicknamed the Black Mamba in Kenya, isn’t just a bike; it’s the backbone of daily life. Imported from India and China, these steel-framed, singlespeed bikes have become the go-to ride for everything we do- from hauling goods to zipping passengers around as taxis. Their popularity especially in rural Africa comes down to how affordable they are, the robust construction, easy repairability through welding, and impressive load-bearing ability.

But the magic of the Black Mamba doesn’t stop at mere functionality; it inspires creativity. With some ingenuity and whatever materials are at hand, a Mamba can turn into a  taxi by adding an extra saddle, become a pedal-powered knife sharpener with a grinding stone, or even a heavy-duty cargo carrier. The mamba has empowered us, supported livelihoods, and become a symbol of resilience and innovation. We have an annual Black Mamba race in Kenya—a spectacle where these iconic steeds are pushed to their limits, capturing the hearts of locals and tourists alike. Check out these tourist bikepackers trying their hand on a Black Mamba while tackling the famed Tour d’Afrique bikepacking route. If any of you are ever in Africa, be sure to hop onto one of these bikes!!

Bikes vs. Couch – Mar. 22, 2024

There’s something oddly satisfying about wheeling your trusty steed past the sofa and parking it. Sure, my family raises an eyebrow, and friends chuckle at my “metallic roommate,” but as far as I am concerned, the bike’s just another part of the decor. I mean, who needs another plant when you’ve got a bike adding character to the corner?
With bike theft a big concern here in Africa, my bikes are much safer indoors and, a reminder that my next adventure is just a pedal away. My bikes will always be indoor entities. After all, they’re more than just bikes – they’re my escape, and an excuse for not buying more furniture!

Kenyan Gravel Cycling Season Underway – Mar. 15, 2024

Gravel cycling in Kenya continues to grow with the start of The LOOP Safari Gravel Series, a grueling 120kms race that offers diverse events for cyclists of all levels. The goal of the event is to give cyclists the opportunity to experience the wonders of Kenya by bike. There have been two races this month – Tatu City event and Keiyo event where participants tackled some of the best gravel roads Kenya has to offer. I am looking forward to attempting some of these races soon!

Pedaling through Kajiado’s endless plains – Mar. 8, 2024

My buddy Eliud and I kicked off the year with a promise to hit the pedals more often, and last weekend, we shook off the cobwebs from our black Lycras for a cool 47-mile ride to Kajiado- the home county and ancestral grazing land of Kenya’s indigenous Maasai people. This was one of those “Yeah, let’s do it someday” plans that actually happened. Riding through the area, with its savannah landscape and Maasai herders greeting us with smiles (probably amused by our cycling attire) made us realize just how awesome domestic tourism can be. As we pedaled through Kajiado’s endless plains, I pledged to continue discovering my country’s hidden gems. Because, we sometimes forget adventure is just a bike ride away and right in our backyards.

Juijitsu x Cycling Crosstraining – Mar. 1, 2024

Cycling has been an effective way to crosstrain and get good cardio for my other hobby- Jiujitsu. Tipping the scales at 194lbs, my biggest issue when grappling has always been gassing out during rounds. When i started cycling, i found it a fantastic way to strengthen the legs since it conditions them to exhaustion and steep terrain can be considered a sort of strength training. The mental toughness built by cycling has also helped my BJJ game, especially on those days where I am being crushed by that super heavy black belt (I bet you can spot him in the picture). I would love to hear if any of you guys crosstrain other sports and whether cycling has helped your performance.

Perspective Found While Cycling – Feb. 23, 2024

Riding my bikes has changed how I explore the world. It’s more than just getting from point A to B; it’s about the new things you see and feel along the way. Unlike driving or walking, cycling gets me to places I’d never think to go otherwise. It’s incredible how much more connected to nature I feel when I’m pedaling through a quiet forest or up a challenging mountain path. This whole cycling thing has really made me fall in love with being outside, pushing me to find new spots I wouldn’t have noticed before.

And it’s not just about the smooth rides but also about those difficult, stressful and awkward moments off the bike that make you laugh and remind you that it’s all about the adventure, the ups and downs- like walking into a restaurant with sweaty cycling gear and everyone turning to the tune of your clunky mountain bike steps. Happy riding everyone!

Cycling Struggle Bonds – Feb. 16, 2024

With the arrival of our summer season, I set out on a chill ride through Oloolua forest reserve with my buddy Eliud. We’d heard rumors about a nuclear facility being built there and, curious as we are, we just had to check it out. It’s fascinating how some friends seem almost elusive, yet the mere mention of a bike ride brings them out of hiding. As we shared laughs, pondering the absence of superheroes who use bicycles as their mode of transport, it struck me how deeply cycling strengthens friendships. Perhaps it has something to do with the trauma bonds we create when battling headwinds and steep inclines.
Eliud is also a talented digital artist, be sure to check out his creations here @eliud_mugu.

Spirit Lifting Ride – Feb. 9, 2024

My weekend was an uneventful one, I spent most of it ruminating on a recent national tragedy where scores of people were killed and others injured in a gas explosion at an illegal black market LPG gas manufacturing plant. Realities like these remind me how much work Kenya and the African continent need to put it so as to keep pace with the modern world. I managed to get a good ride on my road bike though and that is always a sure way to brighten even the gloomiest of spirits.

Explores Ngong Town – Feb. 2, 2024

I spent the weekend exploring the desert fringes of Ngong town in Kenya. Picture endless open skies, the kind of quiet that fills your ears with peace, and rugged trails. It’s moments like these that remind me why I fell in love with cycling in the first place. Wishing everyone a great ride and adventures off the beaten path!

“Bike Guy” Adventures – Jan 26, 2024

It was business as usual a few weeks ago when my long-time buddy Xavier called me saying that he needed my help finding a commuter bicycle. See, over the years, my close friends and family have decided that I am their “bike guy”. Previously, I didn’t consider myself an expert on bicycles, but working for Campfire has definitely allowed me to expand my knowledge base. Xavier had very strict specifications: Nothing over 50,000Kshs- roughly 300$, good specs and something “fancy”. 

We started hitting bike shops and scoured their second hand bike offerings. Xavier was impressed by just about every bike he hopped on. I was not- Inadequate gear ranges, Unknown bike brands, Drivetrain concerns, Frame issues. I kept vetoing each of his selections and in our 4th bike shop, I could tell he was starting to question bringing me along.

As we entered  Pedalling Powerhouse , the final bike shop of the day, I noticed two cyclists with some sweet bikes just leaving- A hybrid bike and an Mtb. I instantly recognized the Whyte Portobello Plus Hybrid Bike 2020 that I had been ogling for weeks on Facebook Marketplace. The Cyclists had already pedaled away when I pulled out my phone and dialed the number on the Fb marketplace listing. A panting voice picked up after a few moments and I knew it was them. I asked him if he was selling his bike and after explaining that we had just crossed paths, I grabbed Xavier from a clunky mtb that he was being upsold and helped him negotiate and buy his first bicycle from Justin. 

I await the next bike shopping assignment from my circle of friends and family. After all, I am their “bike guy”.

Group Ride – Jan 19, 2024

Cycling has consistently brought great new people to my orbit. It was nice to trade saddle tales with some old friends this past weekend on a group ride.

Kenyan Bikepacking Ideas – Jan 12, 2024

I just recently learnt about a 1,000 KM/ 621.371 Mile bikepacking route that runs across Kenya called the Kenya Bike Odyssey- KBO, and it is now a route I intend to tackle this year.

Here is some coverage on it from and content from the expat riders that mapped it out and named it last year in 2022:

I am unsure if it will interest anyone in Tucson but who knows, there could be a Kenya-bound Tucsonian right?