Mission & Values


To build and maintain a sustainable bicycle shop that benefits the Tucson community, while nurturing the joy of bicycle travel for all.


  1. Community Oriented – Here at Campfire we believe in the power of community. We are focused on doing our part to help our Tucson community thrive. Contributing to community takes intention, care, resilience and time. We are dedicated to the process.
  2. Welcoming – Cycling and bikepacking is empowering, enriching and rewarding in so many ways and should be accessible to as many people as possible. We strive to create an environment that is as warm and welcoming. Being mindful of the historical inequities and deeply rooted oppression in America, we focus on welcoming communities that have been marginalized and tokenized in American cycling culture. Internally, we are dedicated to growing into and maintaining a diverse and equitable workplace.
  3. Advocating for Cycling & Bikepacking – As a business, we are dedicated to helping cyclists overcome any challenge. We believe that bikepacking is unique in its ability to empower people from all backgrounds to become lifelong cyclists.
  4. Dedicated Bikepacking Experts – We consistently study to expand our bikepacking expertise. Employees of Campfire Cycling range from new bikepackers to experienced leaders in our bikepacking community. As we ourselves range in skill from beginner to expert, we are poised to meet all of our customers and communities where they are.
  5. Daily Integrity – We are a team that is dedicated to showing up and putting in quality work day after day. We understand that this dedicated effort is essential to the success of a community focused bike shop.
  6. Sharing the Excitement – Cycling and bikepacking are exciting and fun. We work to share the excitement, making it accessible for everyone. Our team makes time for adventuring on our own and discovering new ways to share our excitement with Tucson and beyond.